Palm Sunday Meal Packing Event

March 24, 2024 10:00 am

At Harvest, Palm Sunday means something a little different than it means at most churches. For us, it means our Annual Lifeline Christian Mission Meal Packing Event! We will be packing 57,000 meals again this year! If you haven’t had an opportunity to help with this event before, it’s something special. We gather at Baden Square, just like a normal Sunday, but instead of Church, the entire morning is replaced with a day of service. We are given instructions by a representative of Lifeline and then we get to work! It is fast paced and fun! We pack those boxes so fast! More importantly though, we are filling the boxes with 57,000 nutrient rich meals – rice, beans, seasonings, to feed people that would be going hungry without these meals. Each bag will be filled by our hands and sealed by our hands. Each box will be filled by bags filled by our hands. Each pallet will be stacked with boxes filled by our hands. It it a labor of love and at the end of the day you should be filled with gratitude. We hope you will join us for one of our most special outreach events.
More specific details will come closer to the event date.